How to sudo on powershell on Windows - Stack Overflow

Best practices on using sudo in a bash script - Ask Ubuntu Method 1: Using sudo inside the file #!/bin/bash sudo echo "I must be run by root" touch needsToBeOwnedByUser1 echo "needs to be run by user" sleep 1000 sudo echo "I, again, must be run by root" This would look good, from the way the code is written. -bash: sudo: command not found Error and Solution - nixCraft Jul 29, 2012

Whenever I need to run a powershell script it complains of security, if I add powershell.exe -nologo -executionpolicy bypass -File .\install.ps1 I still get permission denied unauthorizedAccessException. I just want to run this install script, what is the sudo equivalent to type on the powershell on windows?

Sep 07, 2019 About Unix sudo and su commands - Knowledge Base Jun 18, 2019 sudo Man Page - Linux -

Mar 05, 2018 · This means the bash command may stop functioning in the future. If you’re experienced using a Bash shell on Linux, Mac OS X, or other platforms, you’ll be right at home. On Ubuntu, you need to prefix a command with sudo to run it with root permissions. The “root” user on UNIX platforms has full system access, like the “Administrator

Oct 30, 2017 · Check Sudo Secure Path. To fix this, we need to add the directory containing our scripts in the sudo secure_path by using the visudo command by editing /etc/sudoers file as follows. $ sudo visudo Attention: This method has serious security implications especially on servers running on the Internet. Jun 15, 2019 · The sudo command allows you to run programs as another user, by default the root user. Using sudo instead of login in as root is more secure because, you can grant limited administrative privileges to individual users without them knowing the root password. Sep 07, 2019 · sudo echo "test" > /root/file.txt bash: /root/file.txt: Permission denied. This happens because the redirection “>” of the output is performed under the user you are logged in, not the user specified by sudo. The redirection happens before the sudo command is invoked. One solution is to invoke a new shell as root by using sudo sh -c: ssh sudo su - privledged_user cat logs > file.txt Running this with sh -x reveals bash is getting stuck on the 'ssh' line. So I tried revising it to this: ssh sudo su - privledged_user cat logs > file.txt This also seems to stall indefinitely. Is there a better solution to this problem?? Jun 18, 2019 · About Unix sudo and su commands. The Unix commands sudo and su allow access to other commands as a different user.. The sudo command. The sudo command allows you to run programs with the security privileges of another user (by default, as the superuser). -v Validate, sudo will update the user's timestamp, prompting for the user's password if necessary. This extends the sudo timeout for another 5 minutes (or whatever the timeout is set to in sudoers) but does not run a command. -- Indicates that sudo should stop processing command line arguments. The Bash task will find the first Bash implementation on your system. Running which bash on Linux/macOS or where bash on Windows will give you an idea of which one it'll select. Bash scripts checked into the repo should be set executable ( chmod +x ).