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The GUI packages are referenced by the meta-package task-desktop. So it is enough to remove that meta-package: sudo apt-get remove task-desktop I found out the name of the package by running Debian-specific tasksel: tasksel --list-tasks tasksel --task-packages desktop How to install Apache GUI on Debian 9? - OSRadar Oct 01, 2018 gbindadmin -- ISC BIND DNS server GBIND admin is an easy to use GTK+ administration tool for ISC BIND. It handles multiple domains and can switch between master and slave domains. It can change the domain name for entire domains and subdomains, including domain resources such as MX, A, AAAA, CNAME, and NS. This tutorial shows how to install a Debian 10 - Buster - minimal server in detail with many screenshots. The purpose of this guide is to provide a minimal setup that can be used as the basis for our other Debian 10 tutorials here at

Oct 01, 2018

How to Install a DHCP Server in Ubuntu and Debian Run the command below to install the DCHP server package, which was formerly known as dhcp3 … How to install GUI on Ubuntu server 18.04 - Tutorials and

How to install Apache GUI on Debian 9? - OSRadar

Install Apache GUI on Debian 10 1.- Install Java on Debian 10. Apache GUI is a tool created in Java. So first we have to install it on our system. 2.- Install Apache and PHP on Debian 10. Apache GUI is used to manage Apache. Therefore, it needs to be installed. 3.- Getting Apache GUI on Debian Mar 16, 2020 · Linux Administration Bootcamp: Go from Beginner to Advanced, $12.99/£11.99 at Udemy Learn the ropes of two of the most popular Linux distributions in the world, Red Hat Linux & CentOS, and use