IpfilterX blocks Anti-P2P Companies, Copyright Trolls for instance, P2P Crawlers, Spammers, Flooders, Bad Peers, Bogus, Research Institutions and Agencies

You're actually not correct in saying that. They are only charging for certain blocklists, not for all blocklists. If, say, you were used to using Peerblock and only using the blocklists that PeerBlock used by default then they (and several others) are still available for free from I-Blocklist. DE: Wartungsarbeiten an der Webseite und API am 25.04.2018 von ca. 07 bis 15 Uhr +0200. EN: Maintenance work on the Website and API on 25.04.2018 from approx. 07 to 15 oclock +0200 Dec 02, 2009 · http://davindageek.weebly.com/ Some don't know that vuze has a Peer Guardian "like" feature built in it, which can allow you to block Ip addresses using a block list url. Hi All, Just got my Pihole setup, it needs to be the DHCP controller as my router cannot specify a DNS. Been getting very high lag spikes whilst playing online games (from 30ms latency to 400-800) every minute or so. KG Knutsson AB has been the lubricant in the Swedish automotive industry since 1946. We are a company that believes in long-term relationships, that is why we work with strong brands and create business that favors all parties. We provide our suppliers with our distribution network and integrated sales channels while our customers get the … Continued We are having an issue with IP Black/White list. We've developed a containment policy which whitelists several necessary addresses (e.g. AMP addresses and DNS services), and configured the blacklist to the rest of the network's private IP address space (isolating it from other hosts). In our testi ipBlockList is community and server based effort to build an up-to-date list of malicious ip addresses attempting to exploit server vulnerabilities.

Here about 30 popular I-Blocklist, allow, block, blocklist sites such as iblocklist.com (I-BlockList | Home). The best 3 similar sites: iplists.firehol.org, blocklist

I don't know if this is what you're looking for, but Emerging Threats makes a blacklist for several products. Their ETPro ruleset competes/compliments the Snort VRT rule set, and the ETOpen rule set has pre-made files for several firewalls, including pf. IpfilterX blocks Anti-P2P Companies, Copyright Trolls for instance, P2P Crawlers, Spammers, Flooders, Bad Peers, Bogus, Research Institutions and Agencies List and Filter descriptions. What lists should I use? We strongly recommend the use of at least the following lists while doing p2p: Primary Threats

Block List. PG2, ProtoWall, ED2k, SafePeer, Gnutella, & Host File Block List Site

Jun 29, 2017 · I first saw this project at the end of 2015, and I was intrigued. I watched the project, waiting for it to mature to a point that I knew it was a viable option for my home network. (Up until that time I was filtering directly with my firewall via i-blocklist.com blocklists, which was okay, but